Friday, February 5, 2010

Welcome back, sonic

I hope this doesn't suck.


  1. I mean either way I'm into it. It just feels good to hear the trademark "SEGA" noise jingle thing again. I wish this would/could go somewhere. It's cool their doing it but nothing can crack the "nothing" mind lock that is modern videogaming. Here's to Sonic, though...

  2. P.S.

    I don't know if you've already seen this or not but I thought I'd throw you a link anyways. This being shared, I still like bandcamp...

  3. I wanted to hear the more curt "SEGA!" yell from the commercials, though. I remember reading an interview in Nickelodeon magazine with the guy whose voice that was.

  4. Ohhhh.... right! I forgot about that one. I don't know man, I'm just glad to get what I can get really. I mean the other one your talking about is like the Reebok Pumps. I love it and in an ideal world would love to see it make a comeback, but in reality I know it's just not possible, not really.
