Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My First Memory of the Post-9/11 World


  1. Dude, listen I'm all into "future/past" as much as the next guy, but Post-9/11 Temple of Dog? It just doesn't work that way. Now I'm not trying to be a FoxNews historian here, but post Temple of Dog is Pre-9/11. It could never be the other way around. "Innocence was lost" on that day, maybe not in the form of "stealin' bread" but it unarguably was "lost". The act of viewing Temple of Dog's video on youtube is I think enough evidence of that point.

    I never understood until recently what you, yourself said some time ago about 9/11; "History ended on 9/11". Now dude let's keep it "no spin zone" and talk some "straight talk". You say a lot of bullshit, but that, to me was a factual truth, that I now believe in. Temple of Dog even possibly could have been a culprit in the conception of the events of that fateful day (we will never truly know, as Osama Bin Laden's iPod's whereabouts are still uncertain) But one thing I do know is that Temple of Dog is an entity unaware of the pain and confusion that exists in this time. It's a motherfucking grunge supergroup. I weep with nostalgia and loss, yet I smile at the beauty of its song.

  2. My first post-9/11 memory was that sweet day off we got from high school. I went to the Guitar Center.

  3. On 9/11 when all the major network and cable TV stations were covering ground zero, MTV decided to play music videos around the clock. Because we didn't have school the next day I decided to stay up up all night and watch music videos. I passed out on my living room couch and when I woke up in the middle of the night "Hunger Strike" was on. It was beautiful.

  4. Yeah, I almost forgot about all the videos. They kept showing that one Fabolous feat. Nate Dogg one with the American flags on all the booties.

  5. Man, why did I watch the news? Why did I care? Nate Dogg/Temple of Dogg on 9/12 sounds like a revelatory and life altering moment. I have regrets, I understand now and I have regrets...

  6. I fucking watched CNN and cried for my country while you motherfuckers were at the fucking guitar center.

    "If I'd only knew now, what I only knew then... I'm learning so fast." - Hemingway

  7. Hmmm what was I doing post 9/11? Oh yeah, the pentagon was burning in my back yard and my dad literally died on that plane you bastards.
